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New York CaRI Database Information

Last Reviewed: Dec. 9, 2021

New York State Cancer Registry

Registry Data

Population Data
  • 19,611,813Total Population Count
  • 6.1%% of US Population
  • 8.0%% of US Black Population
  • 8.7%% of US API Population
  • 1.9%% of US AI/AN* Population
  • 6.4%% of US Hispanic Population
  • 14.6%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population

*CHSDA Counties only

Cancer Data
  • 114,167Malignant Cases
  • 6.7%% of US Malignant Cases








Study Participation

Research TypeExperience with StudiesInterested in Studies
Case Contacts Studies Yes Yes
Geospatial Studies Yes Yes
Linkage Studies Yes Yes
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies Yes No
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies Yes No
Survival Studies No Yes

Contact Information

Login is required to access this information. Log In with your MyNAACCR account.

Required Review(s) and Initial Contact

Both local/state IRB review and Registry review


Registry form for both reviews


Cancer Registry

Local/State IRB Review Requirements

New York State Dept of Hlth




Every other month

Registry Review Requirements

Registry Data Request Form URL(s)
URL Description General NYSCR mail for initial requests The researcher first contacts Tabassum Insaf, the NY State Cancer Registry Director, at 518-474-2225 or by email at



Registry Data Release Policy/Procedure URL(s)

No URLs specified.

Registry Data Use (or Research) Agreement URL(s)

No URLs specified.


3-6 months

3-6 months



Login is required to access this information. Log In with your MyNAACCR account.

Login is required to access this information. Log In with your MyNAACCR account.

If the study involves patient contact, Cancer Registry staff must first obtain patient consent, or if patient is too ill or deceased, next-of-kin consent, to release the patient’s name to the researcher.
Additional Cancer Registry requirements and charges may apply.
The Cancer Registry will first notify the physician, then they will notify the patient about the study and require patient consent to release name and address.
Patient release is not required for cohort studies that involve linkage to the Cancer Registry in order to ascertain cancer occurrence. However, if the study involves contacting individuals identified as having cancer through the linkage in order to obtain information regarding their cancer (e.g., risk factor information, medical record release, etc.), then patient release is required.


Data Use and Renewal Requirements

As noted in approved documents (e.g. IRB/Registry Application, DUA, Confidentiality Agreement)





30 days


Consent Requirements

Yes - Passive




Registry fees


After researcher receives data

VPR studies
No charges for phase 1 study
Phase 2 linkage : $3000 flat fee for studies requiring no manual review
For studies requiring manual review: 3000$ flat fee +additional $14 per record after first 100 records

External research studies (e.g., non-VPR cohort linkages, or other studies involving new data match):

Number of
Records Total Service
Fee Charged
1. Fewer than 10,000 $ 3,000
2. 10,000 – 49,999 $ 4,500
3. 50,000 – 99,999 $ 6,000
4. 100,000 – 249, 999 $ 7,500
5. 250,000 – 499,999 $ 10,000
6. 500,000 – 999,999 $12,500
7. More than 1,000,000 $15,000

For studies requiring case listing only such as simple data pulls or those requiring SPARCS and/or vital records linkage only (without cohort matching): flat fee of $3000.
For very small cohorts, involving individual case look-ups, the Registry fee will be $14 per record plus $500 flat fee.
For Patient contact studies: Researcher needs to discuss structure of study with DOH researchers. Usually these would require that DOH researchers participate as active collaborators and external researcher will need to provide a subcontract to fund staff time and supplies for patient and physician mailing and follow up.
Repeat linkages are eligible for a 20% reduction, depending on the work involved.
Note: With the exception of patient contact studies, fee can be waived for active collaborations and/or when researcher cannot pay based on discussion with the NYS Cancer Registry’s Internal Peer Review Committee.

IRB fees
