North Carolina Central Cancer Registry
General Information
Government Agency
Cancer Reporting Requirements
3-6 months from diagnosis
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers, Other
Hospice; Adult Living and Nursing Homes
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers, Other
Hospice, Adult Living and Nursing Homes
Reimburse for Costs
If a health care facility or provider fails to report at least 90 percent of its cases within six months of diagnosis, the registry shall notify the facility or provider in writing of that fact within 30 days and the facility or provider shall be given another 30 days, or up to 60 days for good cause shown, to fulfill its reporting requirement. If a facility or provider is out of compliance for two consecutive quarters and is not demonstrating progress toward becoming compliant then the State Health Director shall direct the registry to collect the data and shall direct the facility or provider to reimburse the registry for all actual costs expended in order to obtain the data up to $100 per case abstracted.
Registry Data
- 10,153,833Total Population Count
- 3.2%% of US Population
- 5.2%% of US Black Population
- 1.6%% of US API Population
- 1.0%% of US AI/AN* Population
- 1.6%% of US Hispanic Population
- 2.6%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population
*CHSDA Counties only
- 56,783Malignant Cases
- 3.3%% of US Malignant Cases
Yes (Restrictions -
Study Participation
Research Type | Experience with Studies | Interested in Studies |
Case Contacts Studies | Yes | No |
Geospatial Studies | Yes | No |
Linkage Studies | Yes | No |
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies | Yes | No |
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies | Yes | No |
Survival Studies | No | Yes |
Contact Information
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