Tennessee Cancer Registry
General Information
Government Agency
Cancer Reporting Requirements
3-6 months from diagnosis
Less than every 3 months
Facilities are required to report on a monthly basis.
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers
Reimburse for Costs
(a) A hospital, laboratory, facility, or health care practitioner that fails to report data or allow access to records, as required by T.C.A. 68-1-1003, shall be informed in writing by the department that compliance is mandatory.
(b) If a hospital, laboratory, facility, or health care practitioner fails to provide the required data in the format specified by the department or if the data are of unacceptable quality, the Commissioner or the Commissioner�s authorized representative may enter the facility to case find and abstract the information. In these cases, the facility shall reimburse the department for the actual cost of case finding, abstracting, coding and editing, a maximum of which is fifty dollars ($50) per case. A hospital, laboratory, facility or health care practitioner from whom reimbursement is sought may appeal the assessment of expenses under the Tennessee Uniform Administrative Procedures Act. The appeal shall be to the Commissioner in writing and within thirty (30) days of receipt of the assessment
Registry Data
- 6,651,766Total Population Count
- 2.1%% of US Population
- 2.6%% of US Black Population
- 0.7%% of US API Population
- 0.0%% of US AI/AN* Population
- 0.6%% of US Hispanic Population
- 0.7%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population
*CHSDA Counties only
- 37,469Malignant Cases
- 2.2%% of US Malignant Cases
Yes (Restrictions - https://www.naaccr.org/national-interstate-data-exchange-agreement/#27)
Study Participation
Research Type | Experience with Studies | Interested in Studies |
Case Contacts Studies | Yes | Yes |
Geospatial Studies | Yes | Yes |
Linkage Studies | Yes | Yes |
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies | Yes | Yes |
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies | Yes | Yes |
Survival Studies | Yes | Yes |
Contact Information
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