Wisconsin Cancer Reporting System
General Information
Government Agency
Cancer Reporting Requirements
3-6 months from diagnosis
Completed cases should be submitted to WCRS within six months of date of diagnosis,
or date of initial contact if diagnosed elsewhere.
Less than every 3 months
Facilities should electronically submit cancer case files via Web Plus at least once a
month for annual caseloads over 500, or quarterly for smaller annual caseloads, though monthly is still recommended.
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers
Electronic reporting in HL7 Version 2.5.1 Standard as detailed in NAACCR Laboratory Electronic Pathology Reporting Guidelines is required. If pathology lab incapable of producing this format, alternative methods are provided.
Electronic reporting in NAACCR XML format is required for all non-laboratory reporting facilities.
Registry Data
- 5,776,537Total Population Count
- 1.8%% of US Population
- 0.9%% of US Black Population
- 0.9%% of US API Population
- 1.9%% of US AI/AN* Population
- 0.7%% of US Hispanic Population
- 0.7%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population
*CHSDA Counties only
- 33,427Malignant Cases
- 2.0%% of US Malignant Cases
Yes (Restrictions - https://www.naaccr.org/national-interstate-data-exchange-agreement/#21)
Study Participation
Research Type | Experience with Studies | Interested in Studies |
Case Contacts Studies | Yes | Yes |
Geospatial Studies | Yes | Yes |
Linkage Studies | Yes | Yes |
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies | Yes | Yes |
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies | Yes | Yes |
Survival Studies | Yes | Yes |
Contact Information
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