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Connecticut CaRI Database Information

Last Reviewed: Dec. 1, 2023

Connecticut Tumor Registry

General Information



Government Agency

Cancer Reporting Requirements

3-6 months from diagnosis

Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers

Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers





(1) Failure by a hospital, clinical laboratory or health care provider to comply with the reporting requirements prescribed in this section may result in the department
electing to perform the registry services for such hospital, clinical laboratory or provider. In such case, the hospital, clinical laboratory or provider shall reimburse the department for actual expenses incurred in performing such services.
(2) Any hospital, clinical laboratory or health care provider that fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed five hundred dollars for each failure to disclose a reportable tumor, as determined by the commissioner.
(3) A hospital, clinical laboratory or health care provider that fails to report cases of cancer as required in regulations adopted in accordance with the provisions of subsection (h) of this section, shall be assessed a civil
penalty Not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars per business day, for each day thereafter that the report is Not submitted and ordered to comply with the terms of this subsection by the Commissioner of Public Health.


Registry Data

Population Data
  • 3,580,920Total Population Count
  • 1.1%% of US Population
  • 1.0%% of US Black Population
  • 0.9%% of US API Population
  • 0.9%% of US AI/AN* Population
  • 1.0%% of US Hispanic Population
  • 1.5%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population

*CHSDA Counties only

Cancer Data
  • 21,039Malignant Cases
  • 1.2%% of US Malignant Cases







Yes (Restrictions -

Study Participation

Research Type Experience with Studies Interested in Studies
Case Contacts Studies Yes Yes
Geospatial Studies Yes Yes
Linkage Studies Yes Yes
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies Yes Yes
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies Yes Yes
Survival Studies Yes Yes

Contact Information

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