Oregon State Cancer Registry
General Information
Government Agency
Cancer Reporting Requirements
3-6 months from diagnosis
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers
Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Ambulatory Care Centers
No language available
Yes with rural hospitals exempt
Reimburse for Costs
(10)(a) If cancer reports from a health care facility do not meet reporting requirements, OSCaR shall inform the facility in writing of the disparity between the facility's reports and the reporting standards. OSCaR will then consult with the facility regarding its options for meeting the reporting standards, as defined in OAR 333-010-0020(1) through (4). Options shall include, but are not limited to:
(A) Further consultation and training;
(B) Referral to contractors for reporting services;
(C) Provision, at cost, of reporting services by OSCaR. By selecting this option, health care facilities will fulfill all reporting requirements as defined in OAR 333-010-0090.
(b) If, after a minimum of 30 days from the receipt of the written notification, the facility cannot meet the reporting requirements, OSCaR may activate its reporting service for the facility. When activated, OSCaR may enter the facility, obtain the information and report it in conformance with the appropriate format and standards. In these instances, the facility shall reimburse OSCaR or its authorized representative for the cost of obtaining and reporting the information.
Registry Data
- 4,078,904Total Population Count
- 1.3%% of US Population
- 0.3%% of US Black Population
- 1.1%% of US API Population
- 3.6%% of US AI/AN* Population
- 0.9%% of US Hispanic Population
- 1.0%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population
*CHSDA Counties only
- 21,877Malignant Cases
- 1.3%% of US Malignant Cases
Study Participation
Research Type | Experience with Studies | Interested in Studies |
Case Contacts Studies | Yes | No |
Geospatial Studies | No | No |
Linkage Studies | Yes | No |
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies | No | No |
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies | No | No |
Survival Studies | No | No |
Contact Information
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