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New Jersey CaRI Database Information

Last Reviewed: Jan. 31, 2024

New Jersey State Cancer Registry

General Information



New Jersey Dept. of Health and The Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey

Cancer Reporting Requirements

3-6 months from diagnosis

All cases of cancer and other specified tumors and precancerous diseases must be reported to the NJSCR within six months of the date of first contact with the facility for the reportable diagnosis.

Less than every 3 months

Facilities are encouraged to submit to NJSCR on a monthly basis.

Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers

Hospitals, Physician/Healthcare Providers, Radiation/Radiology Facilities, Laboratories, Ambulatory Care Centers





A health care facility that fails to report cases of cancer electronically, as required by regulation, within six months of diagnosis shall be liable to pay a penalty
1.For failure of a health care facility, physician, dentist or other health care provider to report
pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, up to $ 500.00 per unreported case of cancer or other
specified tumorous and precancerous disease; and/or
2. For failure of a health care facility to report electronically, up to $ 1,000 per business day.
(b) The Department or its designee may decrease the penalties in (a) above based upon compliance
history, the number and frequency of the deficiencies, the measures taken to mitigate or prevent
future deficiencies, the deterrent effect of the penalty and/or other specific circumstances of the
facility, office or violation.


Registry Data

Population Data
  • 8,874,970Total Population Count
  • 2.8%% of US Population
  • 3.1%% of US Black Population
  • 4.3%% of US API Population
  • 0.0%% of US AI/AN* Population
  • 3.1%% of US Hispanic Population
  • 4.4%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population

*CHSDA Counties only

Cancer Data
  • 52,530Malignant Cases
  • 3.1%% of US Malignant Cases







Yes (Restrictions -

Study Participation

Research Type Experience with Studies Interested in Studies
Case Contacts Studies Yes Yes
Geospatial Studies Yes Yes
Linkage Studies Yes Yes
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies Yes Yes
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies Yes Yes
Survival Studies Yes Yes

Contact Information

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