Data Last Updated: May 31, 2024

Schema Discriminator 1: BileDuctsDistal/BileDuctsPerihilar/CysticDuct

This input is used for staging


**Note:** A schema discriminator is used to discriminate for primary site C240 (extrahepatic bile ducts) for the subsite in which the tumor arose. * **00242 : Cystic Duct (see code 3)** Per the AJCC Gallbladder Staging System, the gallbladder tapers into the cystic duct * **00250: Bile Ducts Perihilar (see codes 1, 5, 6, 9)** Per the AJCC Perihilar Bile Ducts Staging System, perihilar (or proximal) cholangiocarcinomas involve the main biliary confluence of the right and left hepatic ducts and comprise 50-70% of all cases of bile ducts carcinomas * **00260: Bile Ducts Distal ( see codes 4, 7)** Per the AJCC Distal Bile Duct Staging System, these tumors have their center located between the confluence of the cystic duct and common hepatic duct and the Ampulla of Vater (excluding ampullary carcinomas.)
Code Description Schema ID #/Description
1 Perihilar bile duct(s)
Proximal extrahepatic bile duct(s)
Hepatic duct(s)
00250: Bile Ducts Perhilar
3 Cystic bile duct; cystic duct 00242: Cystic Duct
4 Distal bile duct
Common bile duct
Common duct, NOS
00260: Bile Duct Distal
5 Diffuse involvement
More than one subsite involved, subsite of origin not stated
00250: Bile Ducts Perhilar
6 Stated as middle extrahepatic bile duct
AND treated with combined hepatic and hilar resection
00250: Bile Ducts Perhilar
7 Stated as middle extrahepatic bile duct
AND treated with pancreaticoduodenectomy
00260: Bile Duct Distal
9 Extrahepatic bile ducts, NOS 00250: Bile Ducts Perhilar