Data Last Updated: Oct. 15, 2024

Invasion Beyond Capsule


Kidney Tumor Extension pertains to the pathologically confirmed invasion of the tumor beyond the fibrous capsule in which the kidney is enclosed. This data item collects additional information on the description of tumor spread (invasion beyond capsule) as documented in the pathology report. Do not include clinical findings in this field.


**Note 1:** **Physician Statement** * Physician statement of pathologically confirmed invasion of the tumor beyond the fibrous capsule (invasion beyond capsule) can be used to code this data item when no other information is available. **Note 2:** **Relevance to Staging** * Information about invasion beyond the capsule is collected in primary tumor as an element in anatomic staging. It is also collected in this field as it may have an independent effect on prognosis. **Note 3:** **Perinephric/sinus fat invasion** * Should be confirmed microscopically and is invasion into fat by tumor cells, with or without desmoplastic reaction, and vascular invasion into perinephric/sinus soft tissue. * Synonyms include renal sinus fat, medial invasion * **Do not code invasion of renal hilum in this data item.** * Invasion of the renal hilum is invasion of vessels, nerves, lymphatics, and/or ureter before they enter the kidney parenchyma. If the only information you have is that the renal hilum is involved, code to 9 (unknown)
Code Description
0 Invasion beyond capsule not identified
1 Perinephric (beyond renal capsule) fat or tissue
2 Renal sinus
3 Gerota's fascia
4 Any combination of codes 1-3
5 Invasion beyond capsule, NOS
8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 8 may result in an edit error.)
9 Not documented in medical record
Invasion beyond capsule not assessed or unknown if assessed
No surgical resection of primary site is performed