Data Last Updated: Oct. 15, 2024

Ipsilateral Adrenal Gland Involvement


Ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement pertains to direct extension of the tumor into the ipsilateral adrenal gland (continuous) or ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement by a separate nodule (discontiguous). The adrenal gland is contained within Gerota’s fascia and is contiguous with the kidney, but it has its own lymphatic and vascular drainage systems. Involvement of the ipsilateral (same side) adrenal gland by kidney tumor—an adverse prognostic indicator—may be by direct extension (contiguous) or hematogenous (through the bloodstream; discontiguous). Do not include clinical findings in this field.


**Note 1:** **Physician Statement** * Physician statement of Ipsilateral Adrenal Gland (suprarenal gland, same side [ipsilateral]) Involvement can be used to code this data item when no other information is available. **Note 2:** **Relevance to Staging** * Information about contiguous ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement is collected in primary tumor, and discontiguous ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement is collected in distant metastasis, as elements in anatomic staging. This information is also collected in this field as it may have an independent effect on prognosis.
Code Description
0 Ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement not present/not identified
1 Adrenal gland involvement by direct involvement (contiguous involvement)
2 Adrenal gland involvement by separate nodule (noncontiguous involvement)
3 Combination of code 1-2
4 Ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement, unknown if direct involvement or separate nodule
8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 8 may result in an edit error.)
9 Not documented in medical record
Ipsilateral adrenal gland not resected
Ipsilateral adrenal gland involvement not assessed or unknown if assessed
No surgical resection of primary site is performed