Data Last Updated: Oct. 15, 2024

Schema Discriminator 1: Lacrimal Gland/Lacrimal Sac

This input is used for staging


Lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac have the same ICD-O topography code (C695). However, for purposes of the AJCC Staging System stage grouping, lacrimal gland is AJCC staged while lacrimal sac is not (Summary Stage only). A schema discriminator is necessary to distinguish between these primary sites so that the appropriate system/schema is used. The lacrimal (also spelled lachrymal) gland is the only epithelial structure normally present within the orbit. Its composition is the same as epithelial salivary glands and AJCC TNM staging parallels that of the major salivary gland classification


**Note:** **Schema Discriminator for C695** * A schema discriminator is used to discriminate between lacrimal gland and lacrimal sac tumors with primary site code C695: Lacrimal Gland. Code the site in which the tumor arose. * **Lacrimal Gland (see code 1)** * **Lacrimal Sac (see code 2)** * Histology is transitional cell carcinoma (8120/3, 8130/3) * Subsites include lacrimal sac, lacrimal duct (NOS), nasal lacrimal duct
Code Description Schema ID #/Description
1 Lacrimal gland 00690: Lacrimal Gland
2 Lacrimal sac
Lacrimal duct, NOS
Nasal lacrimal duct/sac
Nasolacrimal duct
00698: Lacrimal Sac
9 Lacrimal, NOS 00698: Lacrimal Sac