Data Last Updated: Sept. 13, 2023

Microvascular Density (MVD)


**Note 1:** Physician statement of microvascular density (MVD) can be used to code this data item when no other information is available. **Note 2:** MVD is independently associated with metastatic risk. The number of immunopositive elements is labeled with a marker for vascular endothelial cells (e.g., CD34 epitope, CD31 epitope, factor VIII-related antigen) and counted from area of densest vascularization (typical field area, 0.3 mm2 squared). Higher counts are associated with shorter survival. **Note 3:** Record the results as expressed on the laboratory test. Record the information based on quartiles for laboratory standards if this is the only expression of results.
Code Description
00 No vessels involved
01-99 01-99 vessels per 0.3 square millimeter (mm2)
X1 Greater than or equal to 100 vessels per 0.3 square millimeter (mm2)
X2 Lowest quartile for laboratory
X3 Second quartile for laboratory
X4 Third quartile for laboratory
X5 Highest quartile for laboratory
X7 Test ordered, results not in chart
X8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 8 may result in an edit error.)
X9 Not documented in medical record
Microvascular Density (MVD) not assessed or unknown if assessed