Data Last Updated: May 31, 2024

Mitotic Rate Melanoma


**Note 1:** Physician statement of the Mitotic Rate Melanoma can be used to code this data item when no other information is available. **Note 2:** The term "mitotic figures" is the same as mitoses. **Note 3:** Record the mitotic rate/count as documented in the pathology report. If there is more than one pathology report for the same melanoma at initial diagnosis and different mitotic counts are documented, code the highest mitotic count from any of the pathology reports.
Code Description
00 0 mitoses per square millimeter (mm)
Mitoses absent
No mitoses present
01-99 1 - 99 mitoses/square mm
(Exact measurement in mitoses/square mm)
X1 100 mitoses/square mm or more
X2 Stated as "less than 1 mitosis/square mm"
Stated as "nonmitogenic"
X3 Stated as "at least 1 mitosis/square mm"
Stated as "mitogenic"
X4 Mitotic rate described with denominator other than square millimeter (mm)
X7 Test ordered, results not in chart
X8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code X8 may result in an edit error.)
X9 Not documented in medical record
Mitotic Rate Melanoma not assessed or unknown if assessed