Data Last Updated: Oct. 15, 2024

Extranodal Extension Pathological


Extranodal Extension (ENE) Pathological is defined as “the extension of a nodal metastasis through the lymph node capsule into adjacent tissue." This data item defines pathological ENE for sites other than Head and Neck. Extranodal extension is defined as metastatic tumor growing from within the lymph node outward through the lymph node capsule and into surrounding connective tissues. * "A regional node extending into a distant structure or organ is categorized as ENE and is not recorded as distant metastatic disease." This data item is for ENE that is detected pathologically.


**Note 1:** **Physician Statement** * Physician statement of Extranodal Extension (ENE) Pathological or physician pathological staging can be used to code this data item when there is no other information available. * Note that the rules for coding ENE for head and neck sites compared to non-head and neck sites are different. **Note 2:** **Criteria for Coding** * Code the status of extranodal extension assessed on the **surgical resection** specimen for the most involved regional lymph node(s) * Do not code ENE for any distant lymph nodes. * Be aware that the rules for coding ENE for head and neck sites compared to non-head and neck sites are different.
Code Description
0 Regional lymph node(s) involved, ENE not present/not identified from surgical resection
1 Regional lymph node(s) involved, ENE present/identified from surgical resection
7 No lymph node involvement identified from surgical resection (pN0)
8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this information is required by your standard setter, use of code 8 may result in an edit error)
9 Not documented in medical record
No surgical resection of regional lymph node(s)
Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
Cannot be determined
Pathological assessment of lymph node(s) not done, or unknown if done
Extranodal Extension Pathological not assessed or unknown if assessed