Data Last Updated: May 31, 2024

LN Size

This input is used for staging


**Note 1:** Physician statement of Lymph Nodes Size can be used to code this data item when no other information is available. **Note 2:** If the same largest involved node (or same level) is examined both clinically and pathologically, record the size of the node from the pathology report, even if it is smaller. * ***Example:*** Clinical evaluation shows 1.5 cm (15 mm) Level II lymph node, pathological examination shows Level II 1.3 cm (13 mm). Code 13.0. **Note 3:** If the largest involved node is not examined pathologically, use the clinical node size. **Note 4:** Do not code the size of any distant nodes.
Code Description
0.0 No regional lymph node involvement
Non-invasive neoplasm (behavior /2)
0.1-99.9 0.1 - 99.9 millimeters (mm)
(Exact size of lymph node to nearest tenth of a mm)
XX.1 100 millimeters (mm) or greater
XX.2 Microscopic focus or foci only and no size of focus given
XX.3 Described as "less than 1 centimeter (cm)" or "subcentimeter"
XX.4 Described as "at least" 2 cm
XX.5 Described as "at least" 3 cm
XX.6 Described as "at least" 4 cm
XX.7 Described as greater than 5 cm
XX.8 Not applicable: Information not collected for this case
(If this item is required by your standard setter, use of code XX.8 will result in an edit error)
XX.9 Not documented in medical record
Regional lymph node(s) involved, size not stated
Lymph Nodes Size not assessed, or unknown if assessed