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Virtual Pooled Registry

The Virtual Pooled Registry Cancer Linkage System (VPR-CLS) is a one-stop-shop designed to efficiently connect researchers with multiple cancer registries, thereby increasing access to, linkage with, and use of this valuable source of information. Researchers must be approved to use the VPR-CLS before submitting a new data request. Please contact the VPR Program Managers to discuss your study.

The VPR-CLS is focused on minimal risk linkage studies. In order to utilize the VPR-CLS, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Study has (or will have) an existing cohort that meets the following criteria:
    • At least 75% of records contain 9-digit SSN, DOB and either First Name OR Last Name; OR
    • At least 75% of records contain First Name, Last Name, DOB, Gender, and at least one of the following: 4-digit SSN, Phone #, OR Full Address (excluding P.O. Box)
  2. Study has a current IRB-approval, IRB exempt determination, or documentation of Not Human Subjects Research
  3. The study protocol includes linkage with cancer registries
  4. Study consent form includes linkage with cancer registries OR study has a specific waiver of informed consent to link with registries

Learn About the VPR-CLS
Sharing datasets with the greater research community.

Need some assistance or have a few questions?

For questions about completing the Data Request Form: Contact the VPR Program Managers

For technical questions: Contact Support



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