* indicates required field
This page includes important documents and resources for requestors participating in a VPR linkage. The documents are grouped by the specific Phase in the linkage process to which they relate, as described below:
- Account Set-Up Documents
- VPR-CLS Account Access and Login: Instructions on how to access the VPR-CLS and request a user account.
- Invite Additional Users: Instruction on how the primary requestor can add additional users who can access the study request.
- General Resources
- VPR Process Cheat Sheet: This document summarizes the steps and timing for the VPR process.
- VPR Process Checklist *NEW(Dec. 2024)*: This checklist allows the researcher to track completion of the steps associated with the VPR process.
- VPR Fees *NEW(Dec. 2024)*: This document identifies potential fees associated with linkages facilitated through the VPR.
- Available Diagnosis Year by Registry: This spreadsheet provides information on registry inception years. For VPR-facility linkages, registries include cases diagnosed from their Reference Year (Column E) to the most recent diagnosis year available for use in research. This diagnosis year is usually their 24-month data (e.g. For linkages run in 2024, the 24-month old data includes cases diagnosed through 2021). Some registries include their 12-month data, which may not be complete (e.g. For linkages run in 2024, the 12-month old data includes cases diagnosed through 2022).
- Phase I: Request to link with registries and receive aggregate match counts
- Researcher Fact Sheet was developed to assist researchers in writing grants/protocols that propose use of the VPR-CLS for cancer registry linkages.
- Data Use Agreement Form *Updated(Mar. 2025)* : This DUA is between the study investigator and IMS, Inc., third party honest broker for the VPR-CLS. The requestor must print, sign, and upload this DUA when submitting a new Phase I data request for linkage. When submitted, IMS, Inc. will be prompted to sign and upload a fully executed DUA, which will be made available for your records.
- Registry Security Protections document contains a list of common security protections that each registry has confirmed compliance with.
- Match*Pro Validation and Encryption Instructions: provides detailed guidance on how to use Match*Pro to perform the required validation and encryption of the study file prior to uploading on the VPR-CLS
- Phase II: Request for release of individual-level data on the matched cases identified in Phase I
- Requested Data Items *Updated(Feb. 2025)* : This list includes data items available to request from participating cancer registries. The requestor must complete and upload this document when submitting the Phase II Templated IRB/Registry Application.
- VPR Templated DUA and Guidance Document : The VPR Templated DUA is a common agreement designed to be used in lieu of the individual registry DUAs, thereby minimizing the number of separate DUAs and ensuring consistency in the terms and conditions. As of 2/1/25, twenty-five of the VPR registries have adopted the VPR Templated DUA. A guidance document for using the VPR Templated DUA is also provided as reference.