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Detroit Metropolitan Area CaRI Database Information

Last Reviewed: Dec. 4, 2023

Metropolitan Detroit Cancer Surveillance System

Registry Data

Population Data
  • 3,880,110Total Population Count
  • 1.2%% of US Population
  • 2.2%% of US Black Population
  • 1.0%% of US API Population
  • 0.0%% of US AI/AN* Population
  • 0.3%% of US Hispanic Population
  • 0.4%% of US Hispanic Non-White Population

*CHSDA Counties only

Cancer Data
  • 23,090Malignant Cases
  • 1.4%% of US Malignant Cases






Study Participation

Research TypeExperience with StudiesInterested in Studies
Case Contacts Studies Yes Yes
Geospatial Studies Yes Yes
Linkage Studies Yes Yes
Rapid Case Ascertainment Studies Yes Yes
Re-Abstracting/Patterns of Care Studies Yes Yes
Survival Studies Yes Yes

Contact Information

Login is required to access this information. Log In with your MyNAACCR account.

Required Review(s) and Initial Contact

Both local/state IRB review and Registry review


Separate IRB and Registry forms


Cancer Registry

Local/State IRB Review Requirements

Wayne State University (WSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB)

FWA 00002460


Online submission


Registry Review Requirements

Registry Data Request Form URL(s)
URL Description You can email the MDCSS contact or use the form to the left. Please provide a summary description of the proposed project and provide a copy of the study protocol. Scientific Review Committe: KCI PRMC - application for access to the PRMS system to submit a review application.


As needed

Registry Data Release Policy/Procedure URL(s)

No URLs specified.

Registry Data Use (or Research) Agreement URL(s)

No URLs specified.


1 - 3 months

3-6 months



Login is required to access this information. Log In with your MyNAACCR account.

Login is required to access this information. Log In with your MyNAACCR account.

Patient Contact Studies and Data Linkages with a Key Require:
1. Approval by the MDCSS Director or Assistant Director for Research.
2. Collaboration with and inclusion of a local MDCSS research program scientist.
3. Review and approval by the scientific review board (KCI Protocol Review and Monitoring Committee).
4. Wayne State University (WSU) Institutional Review Board (IRB) review and approval.
5. Patient identifiers will not be released.


Data Use and Renewal Requirements

As noted in approved documents (e.g. IRB/Registry Application, DUA, Confidentiality Agreement)


Data destruction notifications should include the PI name, requestor name, date of data request, study name, description of the data and a statement that the data was destroyed, the date destroyed, the person by whom it was destroyed and the method of destruction.

90 days in advance



60 days


Consent Requirements

Yes - Passive




Registry fees


Requests for data frequency or cancer information do not have fees assessed. Requests for sophisticated analytical support will be charged fees by the hour.

Before researcher receives data

Due to university regulations, fees can change over time. The current fee structure is listed below on the university cancer research institute website.

IRB fees


WSU IRB fees are charged only to Industry and For Profit companies. Nonprofits are not charged fees.

Initial submission, Full Board review = $3000. Initial submission, Expedited review = $2000. Continuing review = $1250. Full Board Amendment review = $750. Expedited Amendment review = $100. Final report/close-out = $250.