* indicates required field

NAACCR provides incidence data to researchers for analysis. These data are the most comprehensive cancer incidence dataset for North American and contains data from US states and Canadian provinces from central registries meeting our threshold of high quality data.

CiNA Public Use

The Public Use Dataset contains de-identified data with a limited number of variables. CiNA Public Use is a publically accessible dataset requiring only a signed Data Use Agreement for access. Learn more

CiNA Data Products

CiNA Datasets are available to NAACCR members only. At least one co-PI must be a NAACCR member. Researchers must have NAACCR approval for their research project in order to access the data.

To learn more about NAACCR Mambership, please visit the NAACCR website: https://www.naaccr.org/become-a-member/

There following varieties of CiNA data products are available:

CiNA Research Dataset

This dataset contains de-identified data on demographics, cancer type, and treatment information for US and Canada residents diagnosed 1995 to the most current year. This is the standard CiNA Dataset. Learn more

CiNA Survival/Prevalence Dataset

This is a subset of CiNA Research. This dataset includes data from registries meeting data quality criteria for inclusion in the annual CiNA Survival and Prevalence Monographs. Learn more

CiNA Special Request

If your data needs variables not included in the above Datasets, please request a Special Dataset that requests the additional variables. Please provide adequate details to ensure the application can be reviewed for appropriateness of methodology and use of CiNA data.

If your research requires variables that are not included in the above datasets, or you require both the standard CiNA and the Survival/Prevalence Datasets, please submit a CiNA Special Request.

CiNA Dataset for NAACCR Committees

NAACCR Committee Members—please use this to request all datasets (except CiNA Public Use—please request that directly) need to complete authorized committee work.

Registry Specific Dataset

NAACCR Member Registries who participate in the NAACCR Annual CFD may request their registry data along with US, Canada, and US/Canada combined data for comparison.