* indicates required field
Length: 2
Source of Standard: CoC
Section Name: Follow-up/Recurrence/Death
Record Types: A, M, C, I
XML NAACCR ID: recurrenceType1st
Parent XML Element: Tumor
Alternate Names:
- Type of First Recurrence (CoC)
Required Status:
NPCR Collect: . - No recommendations
CoC Collect: R - Required
SEER Collect: RC - Collected by SEER from CoC-accredited hospitals
CCCR Collect: . - No recommendations
Code for the type of first recurrence after a period of documented disease free intermission or remission.
Right justified, zero filled
Item Data Type:
Allowable Values
00, 04, 06, 10, 13-17, 20-22, 25-27, 30, 36, 40, 46, 51-60, 62, 70, 88, 99
00 |
Patient became disease-free after treatment and has not had a recurrence; leukemia in remission. |
04 |
In situ recurrence of an invasive tumor. |
06 |
In situ recurrence of an in situ tumor. |
10 |
Local recurrence and there is insufficient information available to code to 13-17. Recurrence is confined to the remnant of the organ of origin; to the organ of origin; to the anastomosis; or to scar tissue where the organ previously existed. |
13 |
Local recurrence of an invasive tumor. |
14 |
Trocar recurrence of an invasive tumor. Includes recurrence in the trocar path or entrance site following prior surgery. |
15 |
Both local and trocar recurrence of an invasive tumor (both 13 and 14) |
16 |
Local recurrence of an in situ tumor. |
17 |
Both local and trocar recurrence of an in situ tumor. |
20 |
Regional recurrence, and there is insufficient information available to code to 21-27. |
21 |
Recurrence of an invasive tumor in adjacent tissue or organ(s) only. |
22 |
Recurrence of an invasive tumor in regional lymph nodes only. |
25 |
Recurrence of an invasive tumor in adjacent tissue or organ(s) and in regional lymph nodes (both 21 and 22) at the same time. |
26 |
Regional recurrence of an in situ tumor, NOS. |
27 |
Recurrence of an in situ tumor in adjacent tissue or organ(s) and in regional lymph nodes at the same time. |
30 |
Both regional recurrence of an invasive tumor in adjacent tissue or organ(s) and/or regional lymph nodes (20-25) and local and/or trocar recurrence (10, 13, 14, or 15). |
36 |
Both regional recurrence of an in situ tumor in adjacent tissue or organ(s) and/or regional lymph nodes (26 or 27) and local and/or trocar recurrence (16 or 17). |
40 |
Distant recurrence and there is insufficient information available to code to 46-62. |
46 |
Distant recurrence of an in situ tumor. |
51 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in the peritoneum only. Peritoneum includes peritoneal surfaces of all structures within the abdominal cavity and/or positive ascitic fluid. |
52 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in the lung only. Lung includes the visceral pleura. |
53 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in the pleura only. Pleura includes the pleural surface of all structures within the thoracic cavity and/or positive pleural fluid. |
54 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in the liver only. |
55 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in bone only. This includes bones other than the primary site. |
56 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in the CNS only. This includes the brain and spinal cord, but not the external eye. |
57 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in the skin only. This includes skin other than the primary site. |
58 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in lymph node only. Refer to the staging scheme for a description of lymph nodes that are distant for a particular site. |
59 |
Distant systemic recurrence of an invasive tumor only. This includes leukemia, bone marrow metastasis, carcinomatosis, and generalized disease. |
60 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in a single distant site (51-58) and local, trocar, and/or regional recurrence (10-15, 20-25, or 30). |
62 |
Distant recurrence of an invasive tumor in multiple sites (recurrences that can be coded to more than one category 51-59). |
70 |
Since diagnosis, patient has never been disease-free. This includes cases with distant metastasis at diagnosis, systemic disease, unknown primary, or minimal disease that is not treated. |
88 |
Disease has recurred, but the type of recurrence is unknown. |
99 |
It is unknown whether the disease has recurred or if the patient was ever disease-free. |