CiNA Explorer - NAACCR Cancer Statistics

Explore Our Statistics

CiNA Explorer is an interactive tool that provides easy access to a wide range of NAACCR cancer statistics. Detailed statistics are available for a NAACCR region or registry by cancer site, gender, race, calendar year, age, and stage.

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With CiNA Explorer, you can...
  • Create custom graphs and tables
  • Download data and images
  • Share links to results
Important Note

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted access to medical care. This resulted in a drop in cancer diagnoses for the year 2020, particularly for cancers diagnosed before symptoms develop, such as in situ female breast cancer. This drop reflects changes in medical care for 2020 and should not be interpreted as a reduction in the underlying cancer burden.

How Can I Provide Feedback?

We are always working to improve CiNA Explorer and welcome any and all feedback from our users. Please send any questions or comments to CiNA Explorer Support.

Citing CiNA Explorer