* indicates required field
The main list consists of over 600 words/terms and their recommended abbreviations/symbols.
Character Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
^ | Above or elevated |
& | And |
≈ | Approximately |
@ | At |
= | Equals |
> | Greater than, more, or more than |
< | Less or less than |
- | Negative or minus |
# | Number or pound(s) |
+ | Plus or positive |
X | Times |
Letter A Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
A FIB | Atrial fibrillation |
A FLUTTER | Atrial flutter |
A&P | Auscultation & percussion |
A/P | Abdomen/Pelvis |
AA | African American |
AB | Antibody |
ABD | Abdomen (abdominal) |
ABG | Arterial blood gases |
ABN | Abnormal |
ABNL | Abnormal |
ABS | Absent/Absence |
ABST | Abstract/Abstracted |
ABX | Antibiotics |
AC | Adrenal cortex |
ACBE | Air contrast barium enema |
ACH | Adrenal cortical hormone |
ACID PHOS | Acid phosphatase |
A-COLON | Ascending Colon |
ACTH | Adrenocorticotrophic hormone |
ADENOCA | Adenocarcinoma |
ADENOP | Adenopathy |
ADH | Antidiuretic hormone |
ADJ | Adjacent |
ADL | Activities of daily living |
ADM | Admission/Admit |
ADR | Adverse drug reaction |
AFF | Affirmative |
AFP | Alpha-fetoprotein |
AG | Antigen |
AGL | Acute granulocytic leukemia |
AI | Aromatase inhibitor |
AI | Atrial stenosis/insufficiency/incompetence |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome |
AIHA | Autoimmune hemolytic anemia |
AIN III or AIN 3 | Anal intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III |
AK(A) | Above knee (amputation) |
AKA | Also known as |
ALB | Albumin |
ALK PHOS | Alkaline phosphatase |
ALL | Acute lymphocytic leukemia |
ALND | Axillary Lymph node dissection |
ALS | Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
AM | Before noon |
AMA | Against medical advice |
AMB | Ambulatory |
AMI | Acute myocardial infarction |
AML | Acute myelogenous leukemia |
AMP | Amputation |
AMT | Amount |
ANAP | Anaplastic |
ANGIO | Angiography/Angiogram |
ANS | Autonomic nervous system |
ANT | Anterior |
AODM | Adult-onset Diabetes Mellitus |
AP | Abdominal perineal |
A-P | Anteroposterior |
APC | Atrial premature complexes |
APP | Appendix |
APPL’Y | Apparently |
ARC | AIDS-related condition (complex) |
ARD | AIDS-related disease |
ARDS | Acute Respiratory Distress (Disease) Syndrome |
ARF | Acute renal failure |
ARRHY | Arrhythmia |
ART | Artery (ial) |
AS | Arteriosclerosis/Arteriosclerotic |
ASA | Aspirin, Acetylsalicylic acid |
ASAP | As soon as possible |
ASCVD | Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease |
ASHD | Arteriosclerotic heart disease |
ASP | Aspiration |
ASPVD | Arteriosclerotic Peripheral Vascular Disease |
ASSOC | Associated |
A-STEN | Aortic stenosis |
ATN | Acute tubular necrosis |
ATP | Adenosine triphosphate |
ATR | Achilles tendon reflex |
AUT | Autopsy |
AV | Arteriovenous |
AVG | Average |
AVM | Arteriovenous malformation |
AX | Axilla(ry) |
AXLND | Axillary Lymph node dissection |
Letter B Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
B/F | Black female |
B/L | Bilateral |
B/M | Black male |
BA | Barium |
BAD | Bipolar affective disorder |
BCC | Basal cell carcinoma |
BCG | Bacillus Calmette-Guerin |
BD | Bile duct |
BE | Barium enema |
BF | Black female |
BID | Twice a day (daily) |
BIL | Bilateral |
BK(A) | Below knee (amputation) |
B/L | Bilateral |
BM | Black Male |
BM | Bone marrow |
BM | Bowel movement |
BMBX | Bone marrow biopsy |
BMI | Body mass index |
BMT | Bone marrow transplant |
BNA | Block Numbering Area |
BOT | Base of tongue |
BP | Blood pressure |
BPH | Benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia |
BR | Bloom-Richardson |
BRACHY | Brachytherapy |
BRBPR | Bright red blood per rectum |
BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 | Breast cancer susceptibility gene |
BRM | Biological response modifier |
BRO | Brother |
BSA | Body surface area |
BSC | Bone scan |
BSO | Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
BT | Bladder tumor or Brain tumor |
BUN | Blood urea nitrogen |
BUS | Bartholin's, Urethral & Skene's |
BV | Blood volume |
BX | Biopsy |
Letter C Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
C/A/P | Chest, abdomen, pelvis |
C/O | Complaint (-ning) of |
C/W | Consistent with |
C1-C7 | Cervical vertebrae |
CA | Calcium |
CA | Carcinoma |
CA 125 | Cancer antigen 125 |
CA 19-9 | Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 |
CA++ | Calcification(s) |
CABG | Coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | Coronary artery disease |
CALC(S) | Calcification(s) |
CAP(S) | Capsule(s) |
CBC | Complete blood count |
CC | Chief complaint or Cubic centimeter |
CCU | Coronary care unit |
CEA | Carcinoembryonic antigen |
CF | Cystic fibrosis |
CFN | Centimeters from nipple |
CGA | Serum chromogranin A |
CGL | Chronic granulocytic leukemia |
CGY | Centigray |
CHD | Congenital heart disease |
CHEMO | Chemotherapy |
CHF | Congestive heart failure |
CHG | Change |
CHR | Chronic |
CIG | Cigarettes |
CIN | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia |
CIN III or CIN 3 | Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III |
CIS | Carcinoma in situ |
CISH | Chromogenic in situ hybridization |
CLL | Chronic lymphocytic leukemia |
CLR | Clear |
CM | Centimeter |
CML | Chronic myeloid (myelocytic) leukemia |
CNS | Central nervous system |
CO60 | Cobalt 60 |
COLD | Chronic obstructive lung disease |
CONT | Continue/continuous |
CONTRA | Contralateral |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
CPT | Current Prodedural Terminology (codes) |
CRC | Cyclic redundancy code |
CRF | Chronic renal failure |
CRM | Circumferential resection margin |
CS | Collaborative stage |
CSF | Cerebrospinal fluid |
C-SF | Colony stimulating factor |
C-SPINE | Cervical spine |
CT | CAT/CT scan/Computerized axial tomography |
CTC | Circulating tumor cells |
CUC | Chronic ulcerative colitis |
CVA | Cerebrovascular accident |
CVD | Cardiovascular disease |
CXR | Chest X-ray |
CYSTO | Cystoscopy |
CYTO | Cytology |
Letter D Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
D&C | Dilatation and curettage |
D/C | Discharge |
D/T | Due to |
DC | Discontinue(d) |
DCIS | Ductal carcinoma in situ |
DCO | Death Certificate Only |
D-COLON | Descending colon |
DDX | Differential diagnosis |
DECR | Decrease(d) |
DERM | Dermatology |
DES | Diethylstilbestrol |
DIAM | Diameter |
DIC | Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy |
DIFF | Differentiated/differential |
DISCH | Discharge |
DJD | Degenerative joint disease |
DK | Don't/Doesn't know |
DM | Diabetes mellitus |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic acid |
DOA | Dead on arrival |
DOB | Date of birth |
DOD | Date of death |
DOE | Dyspnea on exertion |
DRE | Digital rectal examination |
DTC | Disseminated tumor cells |
DTR | Deep tendon reflex |
DVT | Deep vein thrombosis |
DX | Diagnosis |
DZ | Disease |
Letter E Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
E.G. | For example |
E/O | Evidence of |
EBRT | External beam radiotherapy |
ECG/EKG | Electrocardiogram |
ED | Emergency department |
EEG | Electroencephalogram |
EENT | Eye, ear, nose, throat |
EGD | Esophagogastro-duodenoscopy |
EGFR | Epidermal growth factor receptor |
ELEV | Elevated |
EMG | Electromyogram |
ENL | Enlarged |
ENLGD | Enlarged |
ENT | Ears, nose, and throat |
EOD | Extent of Disease |
ER | Emergency room |
ER(A) | Estrogen receptor (assay) |
ERCP | Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ESRD | End stage renal disease |
ETOH | Alcohol |
EUA | Exam under anesthesia |
EV | Electron volt |
EVAL | Evaluation |
EXAM | Examination |
EXC(D) | Excision/excised |
EXP | Expired |
EXP LAP | Exploratory laparotomy |
EXPL | Exploratory |
EXPL LAP | Exploratory laparotomy |
EXT | Extend/extension |
Letter F Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
FAP | Familial adeomatous polyposis |
FCOT | First course of treatment |
FHX | Family History |
FISH | Fluorescence in situ hybridization |
FL | Fluid |
FLIPI | Follicular lymphoma international prognostic index |
FLOW CYTO | Flow cytometry |
FLURO | Fluoroscopy |
FNA | Fine needle aspiration |
FNAB | Fine needle aspiration biopsy |
FOM | Floor of mouth |
FREQ | Frequent/Frequency |
FS | Frozen section |
FTSG | Full thickness skin graft |
FU | Follow-up |
FUO | Fever of unknown origin |
FX | Fracture |
FX(S) | Fractions(s) |
Letter G Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
GB | Gallbladder |
GE | Gastroesophageal |
GEN | General/Generalized |
GERD | Gastroesophageal reflux disease |
GI | Gastrointestinal |
GIST | Gastrointestinal stromal tumors |
GR | Grade |
GU | Genitourinary |
GY | Gray |
GYN | Gynecology |
Letter H Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
H&E | Hematoxylin and Eosin |
H&P | History and physical |
H/H | Hemoglobin and hematrocrit |
H/O | History of |
HAV | Hepatitis A (virus) |
HBV | Hepatitis B (virus) |
HCG | Human chorionic gonadotropin |
HCT | Hematocrit |
HCV | Hepatitis C (virus) |
HCVD | Hypertensive cardiovascular disease |
HDR | High dose rate |
HDV | Hepatitis D (virus) |
HEM/ONC | Hematology/Oncology (ist) |
HEP A | Hepatitis A (virus) |
HEP B | Hepatitis B (virus) |
HEP C | Hepatitis C (virus) |
HEP D | Hepatitis D (virus) |
HER2 | Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 |
HF | Hispanic female |
HGB | Hemoglobin |
HGSIL | High grade squamous intraepithelial lesion |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus |
HM | Hispanic male |
HORM | Hormone |
HOSP | Hospital |
HPI | History of present illness |
HPV | Human Papilloma Virus |
HR(S) | Hour/Hours |
HRT | Hormone replacement therapy |
HSM | Hepatosplenomegaly |
HTLV | Human T-Lymphotrophic Virus, (Type III) |
HTN | Hypertension |
HVD | Hypertensive vascular disease |
HX | History |
HYST | Hysterectomy |
Letter I Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
I&D | Incision & drainage |
I-131 | Iodine 131 |
IBD | Inflammatory bowel disease |
ICB | Intracavitary brachytherapy |
ICM | Intercostal margin |
ICS | Intercostal space |
ICU | Intensive care unit |
IDC | Infiltrating/invasive ductal carcinoma |
IDDM | Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
IG | Immunoglobulin |
IHC | Immunohistochemical |
IHSS | Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis |
ILD | Interstitial lung disease |
IM | Intramuscular |
IMP | Impression |
IMRT | Intensity modulated radiation therapy |
INCL | Includes/Including |
INCR | Increase(d) |
INF | Inferior |
INFIL | Infiltrating |
INFILT | Infiltrating |
INPT | Inpatient |
INT | Internal |
INV | Invade(s)/invading/invasion |
INVL | Involve(s)/involvement/involving |
IP | Inpatient |
IPI | International prognostic index (for lymphoma) |
IPPB | Intermittent positive pressure breathing |
IPS | International prognostic score |
IPSI | Ipsilateral |
IRREG | Irregular |
IT | Intrathecal |
ITC | Isolated tumor cells |
ITP | Idiopathic thrombocytopenia |
IV | Intravenous |
IVC | Inferior vena cava |
IVCA | Intravenous cholangiogram |
IVP | Intravenous pyelogram |
Letter J Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
JAK2 | Janus kinase 2 |
JRA | Juvenile rheumatic arthritis |
JVD | Jugular venous distention |
Letter K Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
KG | Kilogram |
KS | Kaposi sarcoma |
KUB | Kidneys, ureters, bladder |
KV | Kilovolt |
Letter L Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
L1-L5 | Lumbar vertebra |
LAB | Laboratory |
LAD | Lymphadenopathy |
LAN | Lymphadenopathy |
LAP | Laparotomy |
LAT | Lateral |
LAV | Lymphadenopathy-associated virus |
LB(S) | Pound(s) |
LBBB | Left bundle branch block |
LCIS | Lobular carcinoma in situ |
LCM | Left costal margin |
LDH | Lactic dehydrogenase |
LDR | Low dose rate |
LE | Lower extremity |
LFT | Liver function test |
LIN | Laryngeal intraepithelial neoplasia |
LINAC | Linear accelerator |
LIQ | Lower inner quadrant |
LLE | Left lower extremity |
LLL | Left lower lobe |
LLQ | Left lower quadrant |
LMP | Last menstrual period |
LN(S) | Lymph node(s) |
LND | Lymph node dissection |
LOQ | Lower outer quadrant |
LPN | Licensed practical nurse |
LRG | Large |
LS | Lumbosacral |
LSO | Left salpingo-oophorectomy |
L-SPINE | Lumbar spine |
LS SCAN | Liver/spleen scan |
LT | Left |
LUE | Left upper extremity |
LUL | Left upper lobe |
LUOQ | Left upper outer quadrant |
LUQ | Left upper quadrant |
LVI | Lymph/vascular invasion / Lymphovascular invasion |
Letter M Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
M/DIFF | Moderately differentiated |
MAL | Malignant |
MALIG | Malignant |
MAMMO | Mammogram |
MAND | Mandible/mandibular |
MAT | Multifocal atrial tachycardia |
MAX | Maximum |
MC | Medical center |
MC(H) | Millicurie (hours) |
MCG | Microgram |
MCID | Mixed combined immunodeficiency |
M-CSF | Macrophage colony-stimulating factor |
MCN | Mucinous cystic neoplasm |
MCTD | Mixed connective tissue disease |
MD | Moderately differentiated |
MDS | Myelodysplastic syndrome |
MED | Medication |
MED ONC | Medical oncology (ist) |
METS | Metastatic/Metastasis |
MEV | Million electron volts |
MG | Myasthenia gravis |
MG(H) | Milligram (hours) |
MGF | Maternal grandfather |
MGM | Maternal grandmother |
MGUS | Monoclonal gammaopathy of uncertain significance |
MI | Myocardial infarction |
MIBB | Minimally invasive breast biopsy |
MICRO | Microscopic |
MIN | Minimum |
MIN | Minute |
MIS | Melanoma in situ |
ML | Middle lobe |
ML | Milliliter |
MM | Milliliter |
MMG | Mammogram |
MO(S) | Months |
MOD | Moderate(ly) |
MOD DIFF | Moderately differentiated |
MPVC | Multifocal premature ventricular contraction |
MRCP | Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography |
MRI | Magnetic resonance imaging |
MRM | Modified radical mastectomy |
MRSA | Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus |
MS | Multiple sclerosis |
MSB | Main stem bronchus |
MSI | Microsatellite instability |
MULT | Multiple |
MV | Megavolt |
MVP | Mitral valve prolapse |
Letter N Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
N&V | Nausea and vomiting |
N/A | Not applicable |
N/V | Nausea and vomiting |
NA | Not applicable |
NE | No evidence |
NEC | Not elsewhere classified |
NED | No evidence of disease |
NEG | Negative |
NEOPL | Neoplasm |
NET | Neuroendocrine tumor |
NEURO | Neurology |
NH | Nursing home |
NHL | Non-Hodgkin lymphoma |
NIDDM | Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus |
NL | Normal |
NML | Normal |
NORM | Normal |
NOS | Not otherwise specified |
NR | Not recorded |
NR | Not reportable |
NSCCA | Non small cell carcinoma |
NSCLC | Non small cell lung carcinoma |
NSF | No significant findings |
NVD | Neck vein distention |
Letter O Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
OB | Obstetrics |
OBS | Organic brain syndrome |
OBST | Obstructed (-ing, -ion) |
ONC | Oncology (ist) |
OP | Outpatient |
OP RPT | Operative report |
OR | Operating room |
ORTHO | Orthopedics |
OTO | Otology |
OUTPT | Outpatient |
OZ | Ounce |
Letter P Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
P/DIFF | Poorly differentiated |
P32 | Phosphorus 32 |
PAC | Premature atrial contraction |
PALP | Palpated (-able) |
PAP | Papanicolaou smear |
PAP | Papillary |
PATH | Pathology |
PBSCT | Peripheral blood stem cell transplant |
PCP | Primary care physician |
PCV | Polycythemia vera |
PD | Poorly differentiated |
PE | Physical examination |
PEDS | Pediatrics |
PERC | Percutaneous |
PET | Positron emission tomography |
PGF | Paternal grandfather |
PGM | Paternal grandmother |
PID | Pelvic inflammatory disease |
PIN III or PIN 3 | Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia, grade III |
PLT | Platelets |
PMH | Past/personal (medical) history |
PMP | Primary medical physician |
PNS | Peripheral nervous sytem |
POOR DIFF | Poorly differentiated |
POS | Positive |
POSS | Possible |
POST | Posterior |
POST OP | Postoperative(-ly) |
PPD | Packs per day |
PR | Per rectum |
PR(A) | Progesterone receptor (assay) |
PRE OP | Preoperative(-ly) |
PREV | Previous |
PROB | Probable (-ly) |
PROCTO | Proctoscopy |
PS | Performance status |
PSA | Prostatic specific antigen |
PT | Patient |
PT | Physiotherapy/Physical therapy |
PTA | Prior to admission |
PTC | Percutaneous transhepatic cholecystogram |
PTCC | Papillary transitional cell carcinoma |
PUD | Peptic ulcer disease |
PULM | Pulmonary |
PVD | Peripheral vascular disease |
P VERA | Polycythemia vera |
PY | Pack years |
Letter Q Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
Q | Every |
QD | Every day |
QUAD | Quadrant |
Letter R Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
R/O | Rule out |
RA | Rheumatoid arthritis |
RAD | Radiation absorbed dose |
RAD ONC | Radiation Oncology |
RAEB | Refractory anemia with excess blasts |
RAI | Radioactive iodine |
RAIU | Radioactive iodine uptake |
RAL | Robotic assisted laparoscopy |
RARP | Robotic assisted radical prostatectomy |
RBBB | Right bundle branch block |
RBC | Red blood cells (count) |
RCC | Renal cell carcinoma |
RCM | Right costal margin |
RCS | Reticulum cell sarcoma |
RE | Regarding |
REC | Recommend |
REC’D | Received |
REFRACT ANEM | Refractory anemia |
REG | Regional |
REG | Regular |
RESEC | Resection (ed) |
RHD | Rheumatic heart disease |
RIA | Radioimmunoassay |
RIQ | Right inner quadrant |
RLE | Right lower extremity |
RLL | Right lower lobe |
RLQ | Right lower quadrant |
RMC | Regional medical center |
RML | Right middle lobe |
ROF | Review of outside films |
RONC | Radiation Oncology |
ROQ | Right outer quadrant |
ROS | Review of outside slides |
RRP | Radical retropubic prostatectomy |
RSO | Right salpingo-oophorectomy |
RSR | Regular sinus rhythm |
RT | Radiation therapy |
RT | Right |
RUE | Right upper extremity |
RUL | Right upper lobe |
RUQ | Right upper quadrant |
RX | Prescription |
RXT | Radiation therapy |
Letter S Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
S/P | Status post |
S1-S5 | Sacral vertebra |
SATIS | Satisfactory |
SB | Small bowel |
SCC | Squamous cell carcinoma |
SCF | Supraclavicular fossa |
SCID | Severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome |
S-COLON | Sigmoid colon |
SCT | Stem cell transplant |
SCV | Supraclavicular |
SGOT | Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase |
SGPT | Serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase |
SH | Social history |
SHX | Social history |
SIADH | Syndrome of inappropriate ADH |
SIG COLON | Sigmoid colon |
SIL | Suarmous intraepithelial lesion |
SIN III or SIN 3 | Squamous intraepithelial neoplasia |
SLE | Systemic lupus erythematosus |
SLL | Small lymphocytic lymphoma |
SLN | Sentinel lymph node |
SLNBX | Sentinel lymph node biopsy |
SM | Small |
SmCC | Small cell carcinoma |
SO | Salpingo-oophorectomy |
SOB | Short(ness) of breath |
SPEC | Specimen |
SPEP | Serum protein electrophoresis |
SQ | Squamous |
SS | Summary stage |
SSF | Site Specific Factor |
S-SPINE | Sacral spine |
SSS | Sick sinus syndrome |
STSG | Split thickness skin graft |
SQCC | Squamous cell carcinoma |
SUBCU | Subcutaneous |
SUBQ | Subcutaneous |
SUGG | Suggestive |
SURG | Surgery/Surgical |
SUSP | Suspicious/suspected |
SVC | Superior vena cava |
SX | Symptoms |
Letter T Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
T1-T12 | Thoracic vertebra |
TAH | Total abdominal hysterectomy |
TAH-BSO | Total abdominal hysterectomy- bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TB | Tumor board |
TCC | Transitional cell carcinoma |
T-COLON | Transverse colon |
TIA | Transient ischemic attack |
TNM | Tumor, node, metastatis |
TOB | Tobacco |
TRANS-COLON | Transverse colon |
TRUS | Transrectal ultrasound |
TS | Tumor size |
T-SPINE | Thoracic spine |
TTP | Thromboticthrombocytopenia purpura |
TUR | Transurethral resection |
TURB | Transurethral resection bladder |
TURP | Transurethral resection prostate |
TVC | True vocal cord |
TVH | Total vaginal hysterectomy |
TX | Treatment |
Letter U Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
UE | Upper extremity |
UGI | Upper gastrointestinal (series) |
UIQ | Upper inner quadrant |
UNDIFF | Undifferentiated |
UNK | Unknown |
UOQ | Upper outer quadrant |
URI | Upper respiratory infection |
US | Ultrasound |
UTI | Urinary tract infection |
Letter V Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
VAG | Vagina/Vaginal |
VAG HYST | Vaginal hysterectomy |
VAIN III or VAIN 3 | Vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (grade III) |
VIN III or VIN 3 | Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (grade III) |
VGP | Vertical growth phase |
VGR | Vertical growth rate |
VS | Vital signs |
Letter W Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
W/ | With |
W/DIFF | Well differentiated |
W/F | White female |
W/M | White male |
W/O | Without |
W/U | Work-up |
WBC | White blood cells (count) |
WD | Well differentiated |
WELL DIFF | Well differentiated |
WF | White female |
WK(S) | Week(s) |
WL | Weight loss |
WM | White male |
WNL | Within normal limits |
WPW | Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome |
WT | Weight |
Letter X Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
XR | Xray |
XRT | External radiation therapy |
Letter Y Abbreviations/Symbols
Abbreviation/Symbol | Word/Term(s) |
Y/O | Year old |
YO | Year old |
YR(S) | Year(s) |