* indicates required field
The Context-Sensitive Abbreviations table consists of a subset of the abbreviations, for which a different context for the same abbreviation conveys a different meaning (for example, CA may mean calcium or carcinoma, and ML may mean milliliter or middle lobe). For these context-sensitive abbreviations, the meaning of the abbreviation should be readily apparent from its context.
Abbreviations | Word/Term(s) |
ADH | Antidiuretic hormone |
ADH | Atypical ductal hyperplasia |
AI | Aromatase inhibitor |
AI | Atrial stenosis/insufficiency/incompetence |
AP | Abdominal perineal |
AP | Anteroposterior |
BM | Black male |
BM | Bone marrow |
BM | Bowel movement |
BT | Bladder tumor |
BT | Brain tumor |
CA | Calcium |
CA | Carcinoma |
CC | Chief complaint |
CC | Cubic centimeter |
ER | Emergency room |
ER | Estrogen receptor |
FX | Fraction |
FX | Fracture |
MIN | Minimum |
MIN | Minute |
ML | Middle lobe |
ML | Milliliter |
NR | Not recorded |
NR | Not reportable |
PAP | Papanicolaou smear |
PAP | Papillary |
PT | Patient |
PT | Physiotherapy/Physical therapy |
REG | Regional |
REG | Regular |
RT | Radiation therapy |
RT | Right |
TB | Tuberculosis |
TB | Tumor board |