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Cancer Registry Information Database Search

Information for Researchers

Researcher information from the CaRI Database is accessible in three ways:

  1. Pre-defined Excel Reports: Quickly access and download information on registry "Application Requirements" or "Data Use and Renewal Requirements" by selecting from the pre-defined Excel reports below.
  2. Custom Excel Reports: Create a custom report by clicking on the "Hide/Show Filters" option and using the using the interface to search (e.g. filter) and display specific information of interest for export to an Excel file.
  3. Review individual registry information by clicking on the registry jurisdiction of interest in the table below to view and print a "Cheat Sheet" summary or "Full Details".

PLEASE NOTE: Information with registry and IRB contact names and emails are only available to NAACCR members logged in their MyNAACCR account. More information about NAACCR Membership is available here:

TO LOG-IN to CaRI using your MyNAACCR credentials, please navigate to the log-in in the header, in upper right.

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Export Application Requirements Export Data Use and Renewal Requirements

Registry jurisdiction Participates in VPR Data request process first step Primary registry contact name (Descending) Primary registry contact email Primary IRB contact name Primary IRB contact email First year high quality, population-based data available for research Average Annual Case Counts
Ontario No Cancer Registry 2010
Delaware No IRB 1997 5,893
Pennsylvania Yes Cancer Registry 1985 79,777
Oregon Yes Cancer Registry 1996 21,877
Seattle Yes Cancer Registry 1974 26,947
Texas Yes Cancer Registry 1995 114,144
Indiana Yes Cancer Registry 1995 35,471
Virginia Yes Cancer Registry 2001 40,097
West Virginia Yes Cancer Registry 1995 12,028
South Carolina Yes Cancer Registry 1996 27,845
Michigan Yes Cancer Registry 1995 55,623
Greater California Yes Cancer Registry 1988 97,672
Manitoba No Cancer Registry 1984
Saskatchewan No Both Registry and IRB 1970
Nunavut No Cancer Registry 2003
Alaska Native Tumor Registry Yes Cancer Registry 1969
North Dakota Yes Cancer Registry 1997 3,822
Ohio Yes Cancer Registry 1996 67,454
Nevada Yes Cancer Registry 1995 12,878
Georgia Yes Cancer Registry 2000 51,964
Massachusetts Yes IRB 1995 38,025
San Francisco-Oakland No IRB 1973 33,182
Oklahoma Yes IRB 1997 20,358
Iowa Yes Cancer Registry 1973 18,582
Tennessee Yes IRB 2004 37,469
Nebraska Yes Cancer Registry 1995 10,260
Utah Yes Cancer Registry 1973 10,831
Washington No Both Registry and IRB 1992 37,095
Connecticut Yes Cancer Registry 1935 21,039
Illinois Yes Cancer Registry 1986 69,572
Arkansas Yes Cancer Registry 1997 17,464
Los Angeles Yes Cancer Registry 1972 40,309
Wisconsin Yes Cancer Registry 1995 33,427
Newfoundland and Labrador No Cancer Registry 2006
Louisiana Yes Cancer Registry 1995 25,874
Colorado Yes Cancer Registry 1988 23,774
Maine Yes Cancer Registry 1995 8,997
Alabama Yes Cancer Registry 2000 26,900
Rhode Island Yes Cancer Registry 1995 6,272
Alaska Yes Cancer Registry 1996 2,952
Wyoming Yes Cancer Registry 1996 2,763
Vermont No Cancer Registry 1996 3,840
Maryland Yes Both Registry and IRB 1999 31,791
Minnesota No Cancer Registry 1988 30,506
Kentucky Yes Cancer Registry 1995 27,645
Montana Yes Cancer Registry 1980 6,269
Nova Scotia No Cancer Registry 1995
Arizona Yes IRB 1995 32,376
New Brunswick No Cancer Registry 1986
New York Yes Cancer Registry 1995 114,167
Mississippi Yes Cancer Registry 2003 16,616
Idaho Yes Cancer Registry 1980 7,976
New Hampshire Yes Cancer Registry 1995 8,436
Missouri Yes Cancer Registry 1996 33,755
New Mexico Yes Cancer Registry 1969 9,432
North Carolina Yes Cancer Registry 1995 56,783
Prince Edward Island No Cancer Registry 1992
Puerto Rico Yes Cancer Registry 1997 16,001
Hawaii Yes Cancer Registry 1973 7,393
California Yes Both Registry and IRB 1988 171,167
Florida No Cancer Registry 1995 130,869
District of Columbia No Both Registry and IRB 1996 2,867
British Columbia No Both Registry and IRB 1970
New Jersey Yes Cancer Registry 1979 52,530
Detroit Metropolitan Area Yes Cancer Registry 1973 23,090

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